Program Questions

Wilkes offers both the MA and the MFA in Creative Writing. The main difference between the two is that the MFA is a terminal degree and the MA isn't.

我们的硕士是一个30学分的项目,可以在短短18个月内完成. 它还 使学生能够追求更高的学位,如MFA或博士学位,以获得资格 要想澳门赌场在线娱乐大学获得创意写作硕士学位,你首先需要完成文学硕士课程 work in our program.

澳门赌场在线娱乐大学,创意写作硕士是文学硕士的一个可选的延续 an additional 18 credits above the 30 required credits of the MA. It is also a low-residency program. 对美术硕士感兴趣的学生必须先完成《澳门赌场在线娱乐》 创意写作文学硕士,并可申请进入MFA不早于 last term of the MA.

低居住计划只需要在校园里有限的(但密集的)时间. In 我们的项目,每年举行两次为期八天的驻留:一次在六月,一次在 1月. 该计划的大部分工作是在在线项目期间完成的 that fall in between the residencies. The MA/MFA in Creative Writing was specifically 作为一个在线课程,学生可以很容易地与老师和 peers from anywhere in the world.

A reliable computer and Microsoft Word is required. You will also need an Internet connection.

学生可以选择创意类非小说类、小说类、剧本类、诗歌类、剧本类 and writing for television. Since 2014, students may also choose to pursue a MA in Publishing or in Making Documentary Film. All students who are accepted to the Wilkes MA/MFA课程前9个学分,包括3个学分的实习和实习  两门基础课程(创意非虚构、小说、剧本创作、诗歌或剧本创作); which are each 3 credits. It is at the second residency that students choose one of 创造性的写作类型或出版或制作纪录片.

是的,每个学生必须在指导老师的指导下提交一份最终手稿 who, with the program director, must approve it. A professional agent, director, editor 或生产者,取决于该领域,也将评估论文.

The MA requires 30 credits for completion. Students earn 3 credits for each of the 四个驻地,总共12个,三个在线项目各六个 semesters, for a total of 18.

MFA需要额外的18个学分才能完成(15个在线项目学期) credits and 3 residency credits).

在在线项目学期中,全日制学生预计将花费20到30分钟的时间 25 hours a week on assignments. The residencies require a full-time commitment of eight days twice each year.

非全日制学生在在线项目学期中花费的时间约为一半, although the residency commitments are the same.

教师 members have published many books or had plays or screenplays produced. Some of the writers are also college teachers. Others are working professionals in film, theater or publishing. 在大约30名教员中,只有两人获得长期任用 at Wilkes.

The same is true for the program's advisory board它是由普利策奖得主、小说家诺曼·梅勒创立的. Board members include 2009 National Book Award winner Colum McCann (Let the Great World Spin); Academy 屡获殊荣的制片人罗伯特·梅(《澳门赌场在线娱乐》) Robert S. McNamara); Los Angeles producer Susan Cartsonis (What Women Want, The Truth About Cats and Dogs, Beastly); and many accomplished play writers, agents and editors.

Advisory board members have given readings at Wilkes; all are available for consultation with the program director. 一次 every 18 months, they are invited to campus for briefings and consultation. 所有人都知道该计划的使命,并作为大使 the program to the larger literary community.

No. 学生将与他们的老师和其他学生在愿望互动 to Learn LIVE environment. They will log into LIVE using individual passwords. 一次 在LIVE中,学生可以参与聊天,在公告板上发布作业, and e-mail instructors. All students will also have the personal email and telephone 项目主管的电话,以防他们有问题或需要咨询.

课程指导老师和项目主管都会看到你的作业. Some of your 根据你的老师的决定,工作将与其他学生分享. Your thesis 会被以前的老师、同学、项目主管和专业人士阅读吗 agent, director, editor or producer from the literary world.

许多学生已经在文学期刊、学生杂志上发表了创造性的作品 and other periodicals before matriculating. Other have made short films or had plays produced. 大约三分之一的入选者没有发表过任何创造性的作品; 他们提交的论文作为本科生作业或未发表的叙述, poems and/or plays. However, those accepted have all demonstrated high motivation and talent in their creative sample and admissions essay.

导师是与学生在硕士论文上密切合作的出版作家. 这些 writers may or may not teach one of the foundation courses. Some members of the advisory 董事会还表示,他们将与个别学生合作.

Federal, private and state loans are available to any Wilkes MA/MFA student; please 看到我们的 financial aid page for more information. We also have scholarship money available for writing students.

研究生助理的职位数量有限,但都是偶然的 upon enrollment numbers. For detailed information, 看到我们的 financial aid page and contact the program director.

No. 然而,以前的毕业经历可以帮助学生自信地实现他们的目标. 此外,澳门赌场在线娱乐MA/MFA可以在更短的时间内完成比那些提供了许多其他 creative writing programs. For more information on this subject, please contact the program director.

Residency Questions

Eight-day residencies take place every 1月 and June. All students must complete 四次实习期,在第一次实习期结束前不能注册其他课程. 学生可以连续参加四个实习,也可以跳过一个或多个实习 as they complete four within a six-year period for the MA. Because they are usually 要求在一月中旬到校上课,一些学校的老师连续上四节课 June residencies. 许多学生计划每六个月完成一次实习 will permit them to finish the degree in less than two years.  The MFA add-on to the 硕士学位意味着至少有一个额外的实习和全日制课程的完成 an additional year.

Very, but they are also stimulating and enjoyable. There are several communal lunches 还有晚餐,和其他作家的非正式交流,还有一个系列 手工和技能练习,小组讨论,以及每晚的教师阅读. 每一个 day begins at 9 a.m. and continues until 9 or 10 p.m.
是的,学生们大部分时间都在亨利学生中心吃饭,并在那里过夜 in campus residence halls or nearby hotels. Students who live within 20 miles are not required to stay on campus.